Paul Riekert shares some thoughts about this amazing evening.
It was one of the best Battery 9 gigs I’ve ever played. I remember a specific moment when I was taking it all in, the packed, massive venue, the audience dancing, headbanging and moshing, and the band playing aggressively and with precision. Smiles everywhere. Everyone was having a great time.
The Viper Room was an old film theatre, basically an amphitheatre with a narrow stage. The audience stood on terraces where the seats were. I think the capacity was around 1 000 people, and about 1 200 people squeezed in that night. It was so packed and sweaty that it felt like a small club.
After the soundcheck we were having something to eat at a diner close by. I saw a cue gradually forming, going past the diner. I was wondering what other events were taking place. (We seldom had a cue outside a venue.) I concentrated on my food for a while, and when I looked up, the cue was going around a corner down the street. I asked people what they were cueing for.
“Battery 9”, came the answer. I was a bit stunned. Happily.
I’m still grateful that Helgard De Barros and his team from The Fridge made this possible. Immaculate timing too.